Legal responsibility of doctors,, Position of doctors,, Relationship of doctors,, patients and hospitals.Abstract
The relationship between doctors and patients has been going on for a long time. A doctor
is considered to be someone who gives treatment to people who need it. The legal
relationship between doctors and patients begins with a paternalistic vertical relationship
pattern like father and son which departs from the principle of "Father knows best" where
a doctor is considered to be more aware and able to treat the disease suffered by the
patient. The position of doctors is higher than the position of patients and doctors have an
important role in their development. When viewed from the relationship between the
doctor and the patient, the doctor as a professional, with his education and experience is
expected to be able to use his knowledge carefully and responsibly so that he does not
become negligent, while a patient with a weak position, does not know whether the actions
taken by the doctor are correct or not, can trust and leave the measures for his health to
the doctor, based on the information obtained from the doctor. Such a pattern of
relationships between doctors and patients has gradually shifted towards a more
democratic one, namely a horizontal contractual relationship or Joint participation.