Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal Yustitia Lembaga Kajian Hukum (LKH) merupakan unit pelaksana teknis yang membidangi tata kelola dan manajemen terbitan berkala ilmiah di lingkungan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wiralodra yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas publikasi ilmiah di bidang ilmu hukum. </span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">M</span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">engupayakan penyebarluasan riset dan penelitian </span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">yang dilakukan oleh tenaga pendidik, profesional, praktisi dan mahasiswa secara luas dan berkelanjutan sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan Tridharma Pendidikan Tinggi yang berlandaskan pada </span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">nilai-nilai Ketuhanan, kebangsaan dan kearifan lokal. </span></span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal Yustitia Lembaga Kajian Hukum (LKH) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wiralodra terbit secara periodik sebanyak 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober.</span></span></p> en-US jajangarifincyber@gmail.com (JAJANG ARIFIN) saefulkholik21@gmail.com (SAEFUL KHOLIK) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PEMAKNAAN PANCASILA DALAM SISTEM HUKUM INDONESIA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/194 <p><em>As the principle of the state, the position of Pancasila as the source of all sources of law has to be manifested in the national legal system, as a legal ideal (rechtside) of the nation and state, which not only as the basis to evaluate and harmonize all laws and regulations in order to not disaccord with the values contained in Pancasila but more than that the values of Pancasila have to be reflected and translated into the legislation itself. In practice in Indonesia, the construing of Pancasila into law regulates almost all lines of the life of the nation and state, ranging from state affairs, political affairs, economic affairs, religious affairs, and legal affairs, to social affairs, all of these affairs must not conflict with Pancasila. Even to solve conflicts at the community scale, Pancasila is used. Considering how vital and important the values of Pancasila are to the life of the nation and state, it is a given that every legislation should include the values contained in each of the precepts of Pancasila. Therefore, institutionally, it is the duty of both the Legislature and Executive to jointly ensure that the values of each precept in Pancasila are included in the law in accordance with the interests of the Indonesian people.</em></p> Erdin Tahir Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/194 Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENERAPAN KEBIJAKAN GREEN CAMPUS PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI DI SURABAYA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/192 <p>UUD NRI 1945 dan UU No. 32 Tahun 2019 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup memberi jaminan kepada setiap warga negara untuk memperoleh lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat. Sedangkan kondisi lingkungan di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun semakin menurun akibat adanya pencemaran maupun kerusakan lingkungan. Program pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs) menjadi salah satu upaya agar kualitas lingkungan hidup di Indonesia menjadi semakin baik dan dapat dinikmati untuk generasi selanjutnya. Perguruan tinggi dapat menerapkan konsep <em>green campus</em>&nbsp;untuk menjadikan tempat belajar dan mengajar yang nyaman, baik dan sehat. Penelitian ini hendak mengetahui bagaimana penerapaan <em>green campus</em>&nbsp;perguruan tinggi di Surabaya serta mengetahui faktor yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan program <em>green campus</em>. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis empiris, data primer penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara yang dilakukan secara mendalam dengan 4 Universitas di Surabaya yang memiliki akreditasi B, diantaranya adalah UKDC, Universitas Dinamika, Universitas Narotama dan STTAL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan <em>green campus</em>&nbsp;pada kelompok sasaran memiliki keberagaman yang pada dasarnya kegiatan yang dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menjadi lingkungan hidup menjadi lebih baik. Faktor pendukung keberhasilan program <em>green campus</em>&nbsp;antara lain adanya dukungan dana kegiatan <em>green campus</em>, kegiatan peduli lingkungan yang terintegrasi baik pada tingkat universitas maupun fakultas dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan secara terus menerus.</p> Martika Dini Syaputri, Johanes Hattazohahau Dachi, Jeannyfer Wijaya, Septian Adi Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/192 Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMALISASI LEMBAGA PEMBIAYAAN MODAL VENTURA SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PEMBIAYAAN BAGI USAHA MIKRO, KECIL DAN MENENGAH DALAM RANGKA MEWUJUDKAN PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI NASIONAL https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/195 <p><em>The Government's policy in regulating venture capital financing services is related to the aim of its establishment, namely as an alternative financing to divert financing from banking to venture capital for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which are usually difficult to obtain financing from banks. Because in general small entrepreneurs do not have management, do not have capital and do not have human resources to run their business. One of the government's efforts to provide assistance to small entrepreneurs is by providing alternative financing through financing institutions, one of which is called Venture Capital.</em></p> Tri Setiady, Yohan Hanafiah Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/195 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTASI PENETAPAN PEMUKA DAN TAHANAN PENDAMPING (TAMPING) DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN DITINJAU DENGAN PERMENKUMHAM NOMOR 9 TAHUN 2019 TENTANG PERUBAHAN ATAS PERMENKUMHAM NOMOR 7 TAHUN 2013 STUDI DI LAPAS KELAS IIB INDRAMAYU https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/215 <p><em>Penalties are sanctions given in the form of coaching, empowerment, and education to citizens who provide lessons and experience so that it may be a good thing in the future. Place of execution Punishment for perpetrators of criminal acts used to be referred to as imprisonment when they were converted into Detention Centers (RUTAN) and Penitentiaries (LAPAS). Prisoners and Prisoners in RUTAN and PRISONS are given fundamental life rights, personality formation and guidance. Coaching and guidance includes coaching and guidance activities, personality and independence. Carrying out the task of securing the number of officers is not ideal with the number of prison residents, let alone added with coaching and mentoring activities. Implementation of coaching activities and guidance of correctional officers assisted by Leaders and Detainees Companion (Tamping). Based on the above, it can be withdrawn. The problem is what is the position of the law-related leaders and tamping and the mechanism of determination and coaching are reviewed by PERMENKUMHAM RI No.</em> <em>9 of 2019 concerning amendments to Permenkumham RI No.7 of 2013 in Class IIB Indramayu Prison? To answer questions, the author conducted research using juridical methods normative. This research focuses more on analysis than regulation existing legislation and other regulations using data- secondary data, namely scientific references or other scientific writings as material; Studies that can support the completeness of this scientific work. Implementation The determination of leaders and tamping in Indramayu Class IIB Prison is appropriate with PERMENKUMHAM RI No.9 of 2019 concerning amendments to Permenkumham RI No.7 of 2013. Surface and tamping Class IIB Indramayu Prison plays a role in terms of service, care for prisoners and people receiving mental health treatment coaching, considering the number of correctional officers, which is out of balance with the occupancy content of LAPAS. Rights inherent in leaders and tamping are the rights of prisoners.</em></p> Nugraha Eka Hardana, Siti Sumartini, Jajang Arifin Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/215 Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MEDIASI SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA BISNIS DI INDONESIA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/185 <p>Dalam konteks penerapan hukum di Indonesia saat ini, terdapat dua metode penyelesaian sengketa yang dikenal, yaitu melalui proses litigasi dan melalui jalur non-litigasi. Proses litigasi sering dianggap lambat dalam menyelesaikan sengketa antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat, sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan biaya yang tinggi dan bahkan memunculkan permusuhan antara pihak-pihak yang bersengketa. Jalur non-litigasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa dianggap lebih cepat dan efisien, serta dapat memberikan solusi yang menguntungkan bagi semua pihak yang terlibat. Namun acap kali penyelesaian non litigasi ini menemui permasalahan didalamnya, seperti permasalahan administrasi dari fasilitator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses mediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa bisnis, dan mengetahui upaya hukum jika mediator lalai dalam prosedur administrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah proses mediasi dapat dibedakan antara mediasi di luar pengadilan dan mediasi yang terintegrasi dengan proses berperkara di pengadilan. Majelis Kehormataan Pusat Mediasi Nasional memiliki peran strategis dalam melakukan pengawasan kepada mediator yang menjalankan profesinya. Pengawasan yang di lakukan guna menjaga mediator menjalan kode etik.</p> Martika Dini Syaputri, Alda Christa Ivanda Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/185 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 FUNGSI BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN DESA DALAM PEMBENTUKAN PRODUK HUKUM DESA DIHUBUNGKAN DENGAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2014 TENTANG DESA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/193 <p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan implementasi fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam pembentukan produk hukum desa.. Mengingat, dalam realitas peraturan desa seringkali diabaikan dalam hal penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan di desa. sehingga dalam penyusunannya peraturan desa tersebut tidak berdasarkan pada prinsip peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik (<em>good legislation</em>), dan bahkan banyak desa yang belum memiliki peraturan desa. ketiadaan dari peraturan desa tersebut merupakan gambaran terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi badan permusyawaratan desa yang belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Identifikasi masalah sebagai berikut: 1. Bagaimana fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa, 2. Bagaiamana implementasi badan permusyawaratan desa dalam pembentukan produk hukum desa di desa singaraja kecamatan indramayu kabupaten indramayu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ini adalah yuridis-normatif penelitian hukum mengkaji data dan bahan hukum primer dan skunder. Seluruh data dan bahan hukum kemudian dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan memberikan telaah terhadap hasil penelitian dengan memberikan telaah terhadap hasil penelitian dengan pikiran sendiri dan dibantu dengan norma-norma hukum, doktrin hukum, dan teori ilmu hukum yang dikuasai. Berdasarkan hasil temuan menjelaskan bahwa pelaksanaan fungsi legislasi BPD di Desa Singaraja Kecamatan Indramayu Kabupaten Indramayu masih belum optimal yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya koordinasi antara BPD Singaraja dengan Pemerintah Desa Singaraja. Dalam pengumpulan aspirasi masyarakat terkait gagasan Raperdes yang akan dibuat, perumusan Peraturan Desa, dan terhadap usulan Raperdes yang kemudian disahkan menjadi Peraturan Desa masih didominasi oleh Pemerintah Desa.</p> Saeful Kholik, Suhendar Suhendar, Syamsul Bahri Siregar, Kodrat Alam, Dian Noventi Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/193 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CONJUGAL VISIT DALAM PERSPEKTIF TEORI RELATIF SISTEM PEMIDANAAN DI INDONESIA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/187 <p>Imprisonment as a struggle for liberty should only limit the prisoner's right to freedom. This interpretation emerged along with the paradigm shift of punishment from punishment as a form of retaliation to punishment as a form of formation and recovery. This shift in rules by experts is often called relative theory which will certainly have consequences for the modification of the penal system itself. the fulfillment of other rights of prisoners must be guaranteed, including the right to sexual needs, globally, it is known as Conjugal Visit. Several countries in the world have actualized the fulfillment of this right. Indonesia itself until now has not regulated conjugal visits in its correctional system. There are various reasons why this visit has not been properly actualized in Indonesia, such as overcapacity and lack of facilities and resources. The pros and cons related to the procurement of conjugal visits became the basis for the author to compile this study. This legal research seeks to analyze the possibility of implementing this visit in Indonesia, its urgency, weaknesses and solutions that can be accommodated by the government as the implementer of the correctional system. Legal research using empirical analysis methods. this legal research ultimately concludes that, the procurement of conjugal visits in Indonesia has its own urgency and is in the process of being realized. Although there are contradictions and various issues that will arise in its application, this visit is considered in accordance with contemporary penal rules related to relative theory.</p> Tengku Arif Hidayat, Tara Raf Anandan, Nada Marenza Putri, Rheinhard Goklas Silitonga, Winston Wijaya Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/187 Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 KEDUDUKAN HUKUM PIDANA ADAT DALAM HUKUM PIDANA INDONESIA https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/205 <p>The development of Indonesian law is heading in a positive direction as evidence that law in Indonesia is a dynamic law, in the dynamism of Indonesian law, one form is Law Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Criminal Code, in which the Republic of Indonesia drafts provisions of Indonesian criminal law by using Indonesian culture and local wisdom as a spirit or soul in Indonesian law itself. Local wisdom is a local idea (local) that is wise, full of wisdom, good value, which is embedded and followed by community members. So that between the construction of national law and the concept of local wisdom is able to go together, legal harmonization becomes very important in the preparation and formulation of the contents in the New Penal Code Law, Article 66 paragraph (1) letter f which states that, Additional crimes as referred to in Article 64 point b consist of: f. fulfillment of local customary obligations."The article provides recognition of customary sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts. Article 601 paragraph (1) which states that, "Any person who commits an act that according to law living in society is declared a prohibited act shall be threatened with a crime. Based on this, it is clear that the meaning of criminal acts is not only limited to those stated according to laws and regulations, but also based on customary criminal law. The article provides recognition of customary sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts. Article 601 paragraph (1) which states that, "Any person who commits an act that according to law living in society is declared a prohibited act shall be threatened with a crime. Based on this, it is clear that the meaning of criminal acts is not only limited to those stated according to laws and regulations, but also based on customary criminal law.<br />The article provides recognition of customary sanctions against perpetrators criminal.</p> Adi Kusyandi, Sahda Salsabila, Murtiningsih Murtiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Yustitia https://yustitia.unwir.ac.id/index.php/yustitia/article/view/205 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000